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3 stories in this thread

21:08 on March 8 2017

Chris Barnes Apparently Just Subtweeted Suicide Silence and Jose Mangin

MetalsucksIs Barnes upset that Suicide Silence are getting tons of radio spins? The post Chris Barnes Apparently Just Subtweeted Suicide Silence and Jose Mangin appeared first on M... more info
22:52 on March 8 2017

SIX FEET UNDER's Chris Barnes Sub-Tweets SUICIDE SILENCE & SiriusXM Liquid Metal DJ Jose Mangin

Metal InjectionIt doesn't take a private detective to figure out who Barnes is talking about. The post SIX FEET UNDER's Chris Barnes Sub-Tweets SUICIDE SILENCE & SiriusXM Liquid Metal ... more info
15:17 on March 9 2017

Six Feet Under’s Chris Barnes Denies Subtweeting Suicide Silence and Jose Mangin

MetalsucksIs he being truthful, or just doing damage control? The post Six Feet Under’s Chris Barnes Denies Subtweeting Suicide Silence and Jose Mangin appeared first on MetalSuc... more info


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