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7 stories in this thread

00:05 on January 31 2011

Chris Brown Wants Rihanna's Restraining Order Lifted

411 ManiaIs it because the Grammys are coming up? more info
23:44 on January 29 2011

Chris Brown -- Hearing Had Zero to Do with Grammys

TMZFiled under: Chris Brown, Celebrity Justice, Rihanna Chris Brown is not attending this year's Grammy Awards -- so the idea that he... more info
14:27 on January 30 2011

Chris Brown - Brown Rep Denies Restraining Order Request Is For The Grammys

ContactMusicCHRIS BROWN's representative has dismissed reports the star's lawyer asked a judge to relax a restraining order against him so he can attend the upcoming Grammy Awards at... more info
20:40 on January 30 2011

Chris Brown Wants Restraining Order Lifted In Time For Grammys

Perez HiltonOh, how convenient. On Friday, Chris Brown asked a judge to get the restraining order against him lifted. Brown wants the order to change from "stay away" to "do not an... more info
02:00 on January 31 2011

Does Chris Brown Need His Restraining Order Lifted To Attend The Grammys?

StarpulseChris Brown's representative has dismissed reports the star's lawyer asked a judge to relax a restraining order against him so he can attend the upcoming Grammy Awards at... more info
13:08 on January 29 2011

Chris Brown Wants Rihanna Restraining Order Lifted NewsChris Brown has appeared at Los Angeles Superior Court to request that his Rihanna restraining order be lifted in time for next month's Grammy Awards. The Forever singer... more info
17:18 on January 31 2011

Chris Brown Rep Denies Restraining Order Request Is For Grammys NewsA representative for Chris Brown has dismissed reports that he wants the restraining order imposed on him for assaulting ex-girlfriend Rihanna lifted for the Grammy Award... more info


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