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4 stories in this thread

17:30 on April 18 2016

Chris Brown Talks Rihanna Assault Aftermath: I Felt Like a 'Monster'"I was thinking about suicide, I wasn't sleeping, I barely ate," the singer said of the 2009 domestic violence incident more info
21:10 on April 18 2016

Chris Brown says he considered suicide after Rihanna assault

Mercury News, CaliforniaAfter Rihanna assault, Chris Brown couldn’t eat or sleep and considered killing himself, he says in new documentary. more info
18:11 on April 18 2016

Chris Brown considered suicide after Rihanna assault

TopixThe rapper was convicted of beating up the singer, his girlfriend at the time, following an argument on the eve of the Grammy Awards in 2009. In a sneak peek at his new d... more info
22:33 on April 18 2016

Chris Brown Says He Felt Like a ‘Monster’ After Rihanna Assault

Time"I felt like a f---ing monster" more info


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