Circa Survive go truly Indie with 'Violent Waves' and release their fourth LP through their website
In the past, Circa Survive have released albums on major and indie labels, but for their fourth LP, Violent Waves, the band decided to do things differently. On August 28th, fans will be able to buy the self-released and self-produced Violent Waves directly from the band's website for $5. "By choosing to download our music directly from us, you are choosing to give our band a future ...
Totally Fuzzy —
Circa Survive go truly Indie with 'Violent Waves' and release their fourth LP through their website
In the past, Circa Survive have released albums on major and... more info
DrivenFarOff — Circa Survive are streaming their new album, Violent Waves, over on The album will be available for sale on the bands website for $5 starting on August ... more info