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3 stories in this thread

17:57 on June 5 2009

Kelly Clarkson: 'I Love My Body'

AOL MusicOn the heels of her single 'My Life Would Suck Without You,' singer Kelly Clarkson has announced that her life would be just fine without another critical word on her wei... more info
12:53 on June 5 2009

Clarkson blasts weight critics

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaKelly Clarkson has lashed out at people who poke fun at her fluctuating weight - insisting she is happy with the way she looks. more info
16:08 on June 5 2009

Kelly Clarkson Isn't Fazed By Fat Jokes, Gay Rumors

StarpulseKelly Clarkson has lashed out at people who poke fun at her fluctuating weight - insisting she is happy with the way she looks.[...] Read more! more info


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