Military scientists should carefully study Courtney Love's snatch, because she claims she's the real sexual napalm and has the shit to make the dicks go boom. And a good morning to you too! There's nothing like waking up with a giant image of Courtney's war zone vagina winking at you. If you're head isn't already in a pinata from your acts of Cinco de Mayo debauchery last night, then you might want to stick your head in one now. Right before you suck the last drop o...
Dlisted — Military scientists should carefully study Courtney Love's snatch, because she claims she's the real sexual napalm and has the shit to make the dicks go boom. A... more info
Starpulse — Courtney Love explains why she's great in bed: "I was never pretty. Pretty girls just lie there. Us girls who grew up a little more homely have to try a lot harder. That... more info