Crush Links: Lady Gaga Continues Her Attempts To Get Back Into The Spotlight, At Least This Time She Is Clothed
•Jennifer Aniston finds her significant other with another woman for the second time...poor girl. (Celeb Dirty Laundry)
•Ryan Lochte in a tux and making weird gang signs. Whatever, he still looks hot. (Lainey Gossip)
•Are David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson bring their X-Files love to real life? (Hollywood Hiccups)
•Lady Gaga is attempting to get back into the spotlight by being on the cover of Vogue.
•Gwen Stefani's view on make-up with have you all saying "that sh$t is bananas,...
Big Apple Music Scene — •Jennifer Aniston finds her significant other with another woman for the second time...poor girl. (Celeb Dirty Laundry)
•Ryan Lochte in a tux and making weird gang... more info