Crushable Exclusive: Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried Fight for the Common Man’s Minutes in the Futuristic Noir In Time
As outlandish as its plot looks, we're really excited to see Justin Timberlake's new speculative-fiction thriller In Time: In a world where time is literally money a nd you stop aging at 25, people have to buy, earn, or steal minutes to keep living. (It's from Gattaca screenwriter Andrew Niccol, so we know it'll be confusing in the good way.) Crushable scored four exclusive pics from the movie, which shows you who's on the good and bad sides, and how far in the future we are. More »
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Big Apple Music Scene — As outlandish as its plot looks, we're really excited to see Justin Timberlake's new speculative-fiction thriller In Time: In a world where time is literally money a nd ... more info