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3 stories in this thread

14:48 on October 26 2009

CMJ: The Antlers at Soundfix Records

Radio ExileIt stinks when you come down with an illness during any music festival, but especially one with the size and value of last week’s CMJ. After Thursday night’s shows, ... more info
12:59 on October 26 2009

Daily Downloads (The Orange Peels, The Antlers, and more)

LargeHeartedBoyToday's free and legal mp3 downloads: Brown&Blue: free and legal Second Chances album [mp3]* other Brown&Blue posts at Largehearted Boy Dubious Ranger: "Heart of Glass (B... more info
06:23 on October 27 2009

AD Presents :: The Antlers @ Bootleg Theater, 10.29

Aquarium DrunkardLos Angeles: Thursday night, October 29th, Aquarium Drunkard presents The Antlers at the Bootleg Theater. Their debut LP, Hospice, has been a mainstay on my stereo and in... more info


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