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3 stories in this thread

07:06 on April 22 2014

Damon Albarn Describes Taking Heroin As "Very Agreeable And Very Creative"

ContactMusicDamon Albarn seems to show no regrets of being a past heroin user.The 46 year-old musician recently described taking the class A drug as "very... more info
14:08 on April 22 2014

Damon Albarn Describes Heroin As "Initially, Very Agreeable"

ContactMusicBlur frontman Damon Albarn has controversially claimed that he found Class A drug heroin “initially very agreeable.” The statement comes just a... more info
17:51 on April 23 2014

Damon Albarn: Heroin was 'agreeable'

ContactMusicDamon Albarn found heroin ''very agreeable''. The Blur frontman, who began taking the drug in the 1990s after he came home to find then-girlfriend... more info


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