Dancing With The Has-Beens: Take That, CHERYL BURKE!!!!!
Wasn't it a truly magical night? The moon was shining, the sky was clear, the stars twinkled, the angels hummed ever so softly into my ears and a dozen baby bunnies cuddled around me. Okay, none of that really happened, but it felt like it after my arch rival CHERYL BURKE lost Dancing with the Has-Beens. AHAHAHAHAHAH! BLEHEHEHEHEHE! EHEHEHEHEHEH! AHAHAHHAHAA!!!!!! OHOHOHOHOHO! Victory is sweeeet!
After all the bones she broke from working her black voodoo magic while stirring her cauldron f...
Dlisted — Wasn't it a truly magical night? The moon was shining, the sky was clear, the stars twinkled, the angels hummed ever so softly into my ears and a dozen baby bunnies ... more info