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3 stories in this thread

20:55 on October 5 2012

Andrew WK To Play Keyboard That Sends One Million Volts Through David Blaine's Body

411 ManiaA different kind of party... more info
11:33 on October 6 2012

David Blaine's Electrifying New Stunt To Feature Andrew W.K. Performance

ContactMusicIllusionist-cum-daredevil David Blaine is currently in the midst of a shocking new stunt, in which 1,000,000 million volts will pass through his body... more info
14:00 on October 5 2012

Andrew W.K. to jolt David Blaine with electric keyboard solo

L.A. Times - Pop & HissGive credit to the virtuoso party starter Andrew W.K. for breaking new ground in charging up his audience. more info


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