Oh, those clever hax0rs!
An e-mail spam message is making the rounds claiming that the Material Girl herself, Madonna, has come down with a nasty case of Swine Flu!!
Unsuspecting victims (aka idiots) have been duped by opening emails with the title, "Madonna caught swine flu!"
The internet novices who clicked the link provided in the spam [...]
PopSugar UK —
James Kambewa, Mercy's father, has begun a bid to claim full custody, saying: "I don't think Madonna is a model mum. I have seen her in movies of her songs. She doesn't... more info
Perez Hilton — Oh, those clever hax0rs!
An e-mail spam message is making the rounds claiming that the Material Girl herself, Madonna, has come down with a nasty case of Swine Flu!!
Unsu... more info
Perez Hilton — On May 4th, a three judge panel will hear an appeal to High Court Judge Esme Chombo's ruling to refuse Madonna's adoption of little Mercy.
High Court and Supreme Court of... more info
The Daily Mail — Madonna's hopes of adopting a second child from Malawi were dealt a crushing blow last night after the infant's father began a bid to claim full custody. more info