Dominic Monaghan - Monaghan Provoked Fox For Eminem Video
DOMINIC MONAGHAN provoked MEGAN FOX while filming EMINEM's LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE music video - because he was determined for the beauty to "get angry" and "smack"... News — 'Wait, Dom made out with Megan Fox? Wow!' 'Vampire Diaries' star joked about 'Love the Way You Lie' clip.By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Audrey Kim
Ian Somerhalde... more info
VH1 News — Former "Lost" star Ian Somerhalder reacts to pal Dominic Monaghan's make-out session with Megan Fox in Eminem's "Love the Way You Lie" video. more info News — 'These are fictional characters,' Joseph Kahn says of abusive couple played by Dominic Monaghan and Megan Fox.By James Montgomery, with reporting by Matt Elias
Josep... more info
ContactMusic — DOMINIC MONAGHAN provoked MEGAN FOX while filming EMINEM's LOVE THE WAY YOU LIE music video - because he was determined for the beauty to "get angry" and "smack"... more info
Starpulse — Dominic Monaghan provoked Megan Fox while filming Eminem's "Love The Way You Lie" music video - because he was determined for the beauty to "get angry" and "smack" him. ... more info
Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada — Dominic Monaghan provoked Megan Fox while filming Eminem's Love The Way You Lie music video - because he was determined for the beauty to "get angry" and "smack" him. more info
Topix — Though the song's been atop the charts for weeks, the much-anticipated video for the Eminem and Rihanna collaboration, "Love the Way You Lie," debuted before "Jersey Shor... more info News — Eminem and Rihanna's Love The Way You Lie video has smashed a YouTube record by gaining over 6.6 million hits in just 24 hours.The video, which features a cameo from ex-T... more info News — The controversial video for Eminem and Rihanna’s Love The Way You Lie is not based on their real lives, says the director. Joseph Kahn told our US team that the two ... more info