Gruff-looking, sweet-voiced softie Jimmy Goodwin and chums Jez and Andy Williams deliver soaring, epic alterno rock in support of their fourth LP 'Kingdom of Rust'
Time Out, London — Gruff-looking, sweet-voiced softie Jimmy Goodwin and chums Jez and Andy Williams deliver soaring, epic alterno rock in support of their fourth LP 'Kingdom of Rust' more info
Brooklyn Vegan — Tickets are on sale (@ noon) for the Doves show coming up at Terminal 5. Tickets are on sale (@ noon) for the Akron/Family show happening at Bowery Ballroom. Tickets are ... more info
DrownedInSound — Crystal Antlers, The Invisible and Three Trapped Tigers could probably all headline DiScover gigs themselves, but on Wednesday they played on the same bill at our Sheffie... more info