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3 stories in this thread

11:10 on May 29 2012

Lil Wayne - Lil Wayne And Drake Team Up To Fight Judgment

ContactMusicRappers Lil Wayne and Drake are refusing to hand over 400000 250000 after they were sued for missing a club appearance insisting they werent informed about the gig The hi... more info
16:06 on May 29 2012

Lil Wayne And Drake Say They're Not Paying Judgment Of $400,000

411 ManiaThey've been ordered by a court... more info
03:00 on May 30 2012

Drake And Lil Wayne Are Refusing To Give Up Any Of Their Young Money For Lawsuit

Perez HiltonDrake and Lil Wayne have been court ordered to pay $432,337.50 to a company that claims the rappers bailed on a 2011 club appearance, but the duo are saying hell to the n... more info


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