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5 stories in this thread

14:50 on June 9 2010

Echo Chamber: Thom Yorke

PitchforkPhoto by Colin Greenwood "When the corporate industry dies it will be no great loss to the world. So don't tie yourself to the sinking ship because, believe me, it's sink... more info
03:51 on June 9 2010

Thom Yorke: 'The Music Industry Is A Sinking Ship'

GigwiseHe warns aspiring musicians... more info
09:24 on June 9 2010

Yorke warns of 'sinking' labels

BBC News - UKRadiohead singer Thom Yorke tells aspiring musicians to avoid the "sinking ship" of major record labels. more info
11:11 on June 9 2010

Radiohead - Yorke Warns Music Industry Will Collapse In Months

ContactMusicRADIOHEAD frontman THOM YORKE is warning the music industry is on the brink of collapse, insisting young musicians should resist signing record deals because the major la... more info
13:45 on June 10 2010

Thom Yorke Say Prepare For The End Of The World Music Industry

Perez HiltonRadiohead's Thom Yorke is foreseeing the end of the major labels in the music industry. Way to see the obvious, pal! Thom urges young musicians to resist the temptation o... more info


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