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6 stories in this thread

08:16 on July 18 2011

Mixtape Monday: Electrelane's Current Favourite Songs

DrownedInSoundKicking off our takeover week of content from Electrelane is this mixtape of songs they're currently loving... Read the full story on more info
08:46 on July 18 2011

Electrelane Takeover: Emma's Tour Suitcase

DrownedInSoundAs part of their takeover week, Electrelane's Emma talks us through the contents of her suitcase.. Read the full story on more info
08:36 on July 19 2011

Electrelane week: Mia's Tour Essentials

DrownedInSoundAs part of their takeover week, Electrelane's guitarist Mia Clarke talks us through the contents of her suitcase... Read the full story on more info
08:43 on July 19 2011

Electrelane Week: Ros' Recipe Corner

DrownedInSoundAs part of their takeover week, Ros from Electrelane shares some of her Spanish picnic recipes with us... Read the full story on more info
08:30 on July 20 2011

Electrelane week: The Art of Touring by Mia Clarke

DrownedInSoundElectrelane week continues with guitarist Mia Clarke talking about her co-curated book, The Art of Touring... Read the full story on more info
08:38 on July 20 2011

Electrelane Takeover : Emma's Favourite Blogs and Websites

DrownedInSoundEmma from Electrelane talks us through her favourite blogs and websites... Read the full story on more info


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