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5 stories in this thread

12:15 on April 29 2010

Elton John - John Pays Tribute To Aids Victim

ContactMusicSIR ELTON JOHN returned to Indiana on Wednesday (28Apr10) to perform at a charity concert celebrating the life of the AIDS-stricken teen who inspired him to quit... more info
02:40 on April 29 2010

Elton John pays tribute to HIV teen

Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaINDIANAPOLIS - Elton John says he's been sober for 20 years, since shortly after the death of an Indiana teen with AIDS who the musician credits with inspiring him to tur... more info
04:50 on April 29 2010

Aids death teen inspired me - Elton

The MirrorSir Elton John says he has been sober for 20 years, since the death of an American teenager with Aids who he said inspired him to turn his life around. more info
03:04 on April 29 2010

6. Elton John says Ryan White turned his life around

Star Online, MalaysiaINDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Elton John says he's been sober since shortly after the 1990 death of an American teen with AIDS who the musician calls a lifelong inspiration. more info
11:08 on April 29 2010

Elton John calls Ryan White lifelong inspiration, 20 years after the Ind. teen died of AIDS

TopixElton John says he's been sober for 20 years, since shortly after the death of an Indiana teen with AIDS who the musician credits with inspiring him to turn his life arou... more info


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