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5 stories in this thread

04:20 on November 29 2010

Elton John: Oasis Had Nothing On Coldplay, Muse

GigwiseHe calls band 'stupid sods'... more info
06:15 on November 29 2010

Elton John: Oasis Were ‘Stupid Sods'

Stopcryingyourheartout.comElton John has taken a huge swipe at Oasis for failing to crack America.The legend has called Noel and Liam Gallagher "stupid sods" for cancelling a series of gigs in the... more info
21:03 on November 29 2010

Elton John Calls Muse, Coldplay Better Than Oasis

411 ManiaCalls the Gallaghers stupid sods... more info
23:30 on November 29 2010

Elton John Criticizes OASIS

Perez HiltonElton John has called Noel and Liam Gallagher, of the band Oasis, "stupid sods" for cancelling a series of gigs in the US in the mid-Nineties. He went on to say: "They w... more info
21:03 on November 29 2010

Elton John Calls Muse, Coldplay Better Than Oasis

411 ManiaCalls the Gallaghers stupid sods... more info


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