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5 stories in this thread

13:22 on April 30 2009

Eminem Unveils Trailer For Gruesome “3 A.M.” Video

Rolling StoneEminem took to his Twitter this morning to introduce fans to the bloody new trailer for his new Relapse single, “3 a.m.” The song is a gruesome serial killer tale, an... more info
14:29 on April 30 2009

Eminem – We Made You

Guardian MusicSlim Shady's back and he's up to his old tricks again. The trip down memory lane has inspired Anna to pen him a Stan-style missiveLet's just get this clear: I'm not talki... more info
11:22 on May 1 2009

Eminem Unveils Murderous 3AM Video

GigwiseSee the chilling trailer on Gigwise... more info
10:01 on May 1 2009

Eminem presenta un trailer de “3am”

Cuchara SonicaEminem está lanzando cada vez más noticias sobre Relapse, el nuevo disco que será lanzado el próximo mes. Esta vez presentó un trailer de “3am” que par... more info
11:01 on May 1 2009

Bloody Eminem turns to murder

VIDEO SPECIAL: FIRST look at new video from controversial rapper playing crazed maniac more info


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