Et cetera: Steven Poole's non-fiction choice – reviews roundup
Disconnect by Devra Davis, Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran by Annabelle Sreberny & Gholam Khiabany and Enter Night: Metallica, the Biography by Mick WallDisconnect, by Devra Davis (Dutton, £18.99)When you talk on your mobile phone, do you hold it an inch away from your ear? No, me neither. So why exactly do all phones sold today come with a tiny warning buried somewhere in the documentation not to hold them too close to the body? (I checked mine: it says at least 15mm away, which r...
Guardian Music — Disconnect by Devra Davis, Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran by Annabelle Sreberny & Gholam Khiabany and Enter Night: Metallica, the Biography by Mick WallDisc... more info