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3 stories in this thread

20:09 on December 23 2011

Etta James Husband Wins Control Of Her Estate

411 ManiaHe's still the conservator... more info
11:11 on December 22 2011

Etta James - James' Husband To Remain Conservator

ContactMusicA judge in California has ruled Etta James husband will remain the conservator of her estate following a legal challenge from her son The veteran singer is terminally ill... more info
14:30 on December 23 2011

Etta James' Husband Wins Control Of Her Estate, Will Remain Conservator

Perez HiltonA judge in Riverside County ruled that Etta James' husband will remain conservator of her estate. Artis Mills and Etta's two sons have been battling back and forth for c... more info


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