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2 stories in this thread

23:06 on June 22 2015

Gigi Hadid & Cody Simpson -- Share First Class Trip to Awkward, U.S.A (PHOTO)

TMZChances exes Gigi Hadid and Cody Simpson would end up seated next to each other on the same flight -- 100%, of course.  Somehow, the former couple ended up elbow-to-elbo... more info
23:44 on June 22 2015

Exes Gigi Hadid & Cody Simpson Are Seated Next To Each Other On A Plane — And Cody Shares The Awkward Pic On Snapchat!

Perez HiltonAwkward? Awesome? Both??? Exes Gigi Hadid and Cody Simpson both attended the Much Music Video Awards in Toronto, Canada on Sunday, and we guess it's not so weird that the... more info


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