*Brand New* (http://www.absolutepunk.net/brandnew)'s tour starts tomorrow in Cleveland at the Time Warner Cable Amphitheater. Want to win a pair of tickets? Be the first person (that can attend this show) to reply to this thread and we'll hook you up. From one fanboy to another...
Chorus.fm — Hits Daily Double is reporting (http://www.hitsdailydouble.com/sales/salescht.cgi) that *Brand New* (http://www.myspace.com/brandnew) debuted at #6 with 44,828 copies sol... more info
Chorus.fm — *Brand New* (http://www.absolutepunk.net/brandnew)'s tour starts tomorrow in Cleveland at the Time Warner Cable Amphitheater. Want to win a pair of tickets? Be the fir... more info