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3 stories in this thread

13:19 on March 20 2009

Jane's Addiction, Grizzly Bear Soar At SXSW '09 NewsReunited Jane's play stellar comeback set.By James Montgomery, with additional reporting by Christopher "CJ" Smith and Matt Harper Jane's Addiction's Dave Navarro an... more info
14:30 on March 19 2009

New Grizzly Bear - “Cheerleader”

Pasta PrimaveraA short while ago a low quality rip of Grizzly Bear’s upcoming album Veckatimest surfaced on the glorious internet.  While crappy in quality, it did give us the firs... more info
15:00 on March 19 2009

First Look: Grizzly Bear - “Veckatimest”

RawkblogYou may have noticed that I haven’t made so much as a hyperbolic whimper about Grizzly Bear’s Veckatimest since its recent leak. In part, I’ve wanted to be sensitiv... more info


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