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3 stories in this thread

20:56 on April 20 2009

Flaming Lips Give Earth Day on the Mall an Otherworldly Spin in Washington, DC

Rolling StonePhoto: Crothers/FilmMagic At 4:20 p.m. yesterday, while moe. doodled on a series of winding tunes, those close to the stage at the Earth Day on the Mall concert in Washin... more info
14:25 on April 20 2009

The Flaming Lips played The National Mall in DC - pic, videos

Brooklyn Veganphoto by C. Taylor Crothers Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips surfing the crowd on the Mall in his giant bubble. The Earth Day On The National Mall event was emceed by Chev... more info
21:00 on April 20 2009

Flaming Lips Get Their Bubble on at National Mall

BuzzgrinderLooks like Wayne Coyne didn't get into a round of fisticuffs with Chevy Chase at the Green Apple Festival in Washington, D.C., after all -- much to my chagrin. But hey, h... more info


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