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5 stories in this thread

23:59 on June 25 2010

Florence and the Machine at Glastonbury 2010 | Review

Guardian MusicAlong with Mumford & Sons, Flo makes her bid to be next year's Glastonbury headlinerWho: Florence and the Machine.Where and when: Other stage, Friday 7.20pmDress code: Fl... more info
11:30 on June 24 2010

Florence & The Machine: 'We want Glastonbury show to go out with a bang'

NMESinger Florence Welch says she won't be back next year more info
17:30 on June 25 2010

Florence & The Machine plays new songs to huge Glastonbury crowd

NMEFlorence Welch draws one of the biggest audiences in the Other Stage's history more info
09:22 on June 24 2010

Florence And The Machine - Florences Glastonbury Surprise

ContactMusicFlorence and the Machine singer Florence Welch has revealed she has a "big surprise" for Glastonbury.The 23-year-old music star - who is playing at the world... more info
00:33 on June 26 2010

Florence And The Machine - Welchs Tearful Glastonbury Triumph

ContactMusicFLORENCE AND THE MACHINE singer FLORENCE WELCH choked backed tears as she thanked fans for their support during an emotion-charged set at the U.K.'s Glastonbury Festival ... more info


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