Full R. Kelly Sexual Assault Charges Come To Light
Village Voice (http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/2013/12/read_the_stomac.php) has a new interview with Jim DeRogatis, the reporter who broke the news of sexual assault charges against *R. Kelly (http://www.absolutepunk.net/tags/r%20kelly/)* nearly 15 years ago. The interview complements...
Topix — It's been nearly 15 years since music journalist Jim DeRogatis caught the story that has since defined his career, one that he wishes didn't exist: R. Kelly's sexual pred... more info
Chorus.fm — Village Voice (http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/2013/12/read_the_stomac.php) has a new interview with Jim DeRogatis, the reporter who broke the news of sexual assault ... more info