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4 stories in this thread

04:35 on February 11 2019

Grammys' Motown tribute with Jennifer Lopez upsets some viewers

L.A. Times - EntertainmentJennifer Lopez’s tribute to Motown at the 61st Grammy Awards has not gone over too well. Viewers — at least those airing their grievances on social media â... more info
04:35 on February 11 2019

Grammys' Motown tribute with Jennifer Lopez upsets some viewers

L.A. Times - Pop & HissJennifer Lopez’s tribute to Motown at the 61st Grammy Awards has not gone over too well. Viewers — at least those airing their grievances on social media â... more info
17:00 on February 11 2019

Jennifer Lopez defends her Grammys Motown tribute

L.A. Times - EntertainmentJennifer Lopez played the mom card in her defense of the Motown tribute she performed at the 61st Grammy Awards. The two-time Grammy nominee sparked a backlash when she w... more info
17:00 on February 11 2019

Jennifer Lopez defends Grammys Motown tribute: ‘You can’t tell people what to love’

L.A. Times - Pop & HissJennifer Lopez played the mom card in her defense of the Motown tribute she performed at the 61st Grammy Awards. The two-time Grammy nominee sparked a backlash when she w... more info


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