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3 stories in this thread

21:51 on December 8 2010

Christina Aguilera: My Private Sexy Pics Were Hacked

TMZFiled under: Christina Aguilera, Celebrity Justice The nearly nude photos of Christina Aguilera that are circulating the Internet today... more info
20:45 on December 8 2010

Hacker Leaks Racy Photos of Christina Aguilera

People.comThe personal account of the singer's stylist was broken into more info
12:04 on December 9 2010

Racy Christina Aguilera Photos Stolen From Stylist

PopeaterFiled under: Movie News, Music News, Sex That's SFW, Celebrity Scandal, Christina Aguilera Images of Christina Aguilera in various stages of undress hit the Web on Wednes... more info


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