Haste The Day Dabble In Hip-Hop; Plus White Zombie, Motley Crue & More News That Rules, In Metal File
Metalcore act recorded a song using lyrics from a rapper's discarded notebook — but it didn't make the cut on Dreamer.
By Chris Harris
Haste the Day
Photo: Tooth and Nail
For musicians, inspiration can strike at any moment and can come from a variety of sources. For Indianapolis metalcore act
Haste the Day, past efforts have been inspired, in large part, by the band members' faith. They're Christian men and make no apologies for it — nor should they. The band's latest LP, Dreamer...
MTV.com News — Metalcore act recorded a song using lyrics from a rapper's discarded notebook — but it didn't make the cut on Dreamer.
By Chris Harris
Haste the Day
Photo: Tooth ... more info