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3 stories in this thread

20:03 on July 17 2013

Hashtag Pop: Miley Cyrus – “We Can’t Stop”

Consequence of SoundTwerk Miley Miley Twerk. more info
00:40 on July 19 2013

Miley Cyrus fell asleep at Harry Potter premiere

StarpulseActress/singer Miley Cyrus once embarrassed her father Billy Ray by falling asleep next to him at a Harry Potter premiere in front of all the film's stars. The We Can't ... more info
19:22 on July 17 2013

Hear now: Remixers destroy Miley Cyrus' hit 'We Can't Stop'

L.A. Times - Pop & HissThose politicking for the total destruction of Miley Cyrus’ recent teen-pop insipidity “We Can’t Stop” are in for a good day: Los Angeles-based Mabson Enterprises... more info


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