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4 stories in this thread

13:19 on April 26 2010

Heather Mills wins Whitney Houston tickets in radio phone-in

The MirrorHeather Mills surprised radio listeners by taking part in a local phone-in competition to win tickets to see singer Whitney Houston in concert, it emerged today. more info
15:33 on April 26 2010

Heather Mills - Ticket Winner Heather Mills

ContactMusicHeather Mills won Whitney Houston tickets in a radio phone-in.The charity campaigner contacted British station Heart FM Sussex on Saturday (24.04.10) to try and get... more info
07:21 on April 27 2010

Heather Mills Wins Whitney Houston Tickets From Radio

Undercover, AustraliaHeather Mills won two tickets to see Whitney Houston from a radio station contest. more info
07:36 on April 27 2010

Sir Paul Mccartney - Mills Joy At Houston Contest Win

ContactMusicSIR PAUL MCCARTNEY's ex-wife HEATHER MILLS was so desperate to see WHITNEY HOUSTON perform in London later this week (28Apr10), she entered a local radio contest -... more info


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