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4 stories in this thread

12:08 on October 5 2010

The Morning Mix: Britney Thanks “Brittany” For A Job Well Done

IdolatorDid You Hear? :: Britney Spears sent Heather Morris flowers after the “Britney/Brittany” episode of Glee for doing a fabulous job performing her hits. And Ryan Murphy... more info
11:32 on October 5 2010

Heather Morris - Heather Morris Sent Flowers By Britney Spears

ContactMusicHEATHER MORRIS impressed BRITNEY SPEARS so much with her recent performance on 'Glee', that the pop-superstar sent the 23-year-actress a bouquet of flowers. Morris told E... more info
14:40 on October 5 2010

Britney Spears Sends Glee Gift

ContactMusicBritney Spears sent actress Heather Morris flowers after her 'Glee' cameo.Heather was delighted to receive the bouquet from the 'Toxic' hitmaker - whose appearance... more info
10:50 on October 5 2010

Britney Sends Flowers To Glee Star NewsBritney Spears sent flowers to Glee star Heather Morris after last week’s special episode of the hit show, the actress has revealed.  The popstar was impressed with Mo... more info


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