Birthday: December 10, 1974
Age: 33
Birth Name: Etty Lau
Original Date of HS of the Day: September 13, 2008
Claim to Fame: Etty is the graceful and ravishing wife of Perry Farrell. She met Perry on a Jane's Addiction tour. She was a dancer. And by "dancer" I mean stripper. Etty and Perry married in 2002. They have two sons together, Hezron Wolfgang and Izzadore Bravo. Those names get me every time.
Where is she now? When Etty isn't busy perfecting her tuck, she performs with Perry in t...
Dlisted — Birthday: December 10, 1974
Age: 33
Birth Name: Etty Lau
Original Date of HS of the Day: September 13, 2008
Claim to Fame: Etty is the graceful and ravishing wife of Perr... more info