The rapper is only following one person, who is now a rather stressed-out Twitter celebrityHow odd it must have been to be Stephen Holmes, unsuspecting Kanye West fan, who, after briefly tweeting his hero last week to ask him which brand of toothpaste he favours on his diamond teeth, was selected to be the sole person followed by the mercurial rapper.In the week he has been on Twitter, West has gained 400,000 followers, roughly 399,999 of whom immediately got extremely annoyed that he hadn't...
Guardian Music — The rapper brings unexpected fame to Steven Holmes after making him the chosen one ... dun dun dun dun"Who is @ste_101?" asked one Twitter user earlier today, "and why do... more info
Pop Crunch — Caps lock-loving rapper Kanye West has joined the Twitterverse, raking in more than 270,000 followers in two days and changing the online life of one devoted fan. An endo... more info
Guardian Music — The rapper is only following one person, who is now a rather stressed-out Twitter celebrityHow odd it must have been to be Stephen Holmes, unsuspecting Kanye West fan, wh... more info
Guardian Music — Coventry teenager tells local paper he wants to keep a low profile after attracting more than 3,000 new followersThe Coventry teenager thrown unwittingly into social medi... more info
Perez Hilton — We’re Sorry, Nottingham University student Steven Holmes, but as long as you have a Twitter account, you’ve got our attention.
Kanye West randomly chose Steven Holmes... more info News — Steven Holmes is not too impressed to be chosen for Twitter fame by rap superstar Kanye West.The Coventry students said in an interview to his local paper: ‘Before this... more info