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3 stories in this thread

19:02 on September 12 2013

Iron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson Denies Manufacturing Military Drones for the United States

411 ManiaBand responds to blog piece claiming otherwise… more info
14:29 on September 12 2013

Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden Denies Manufacturing Drones for the U.S. Military

MetalsucksIn other news: did you know that Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden has been accused of manufacturing drones for the U.S. military?The post Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden... more info
20:44 on September 12 2013

IRON MAIDEN's Bruce Dickinson Denies Making Drones For The US Military

Metal InjectionIron Maiden's Bruce Dickinson is a man of many talents. He flies planes, picks up stranded passengers, creates jobs, and is a doctor ferchristsakes!  But one thing... more info


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