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4 stories in this thread

10:19 on February 25 2009

Interview: Mark Addy Andrew Garfield and David Morrissey on Red Riding

The TelegraphThe stars of drama Red Riding discuss Channel 4's adapatation of David Peace's trilogy which explores a world of police corruption torture and the dark heart of the S... more info
14:02 on February 25 2009

No Need to Miss Morrissey

TopixThey might as well make it an annual holiday. Morrissey Day, perhaps. A designated midwinter morning when the iconic, mercurial British crooner steps out of his house, se... more info
19:13 on February 25 2009

Can You Morrissey the Resemblance?

TMZFiled under: Wacky & Weird Yesterday at the Santa Monica pier, "Slumdog Millionaire" director Danny Boyle (left) was told he looks a helluva lot like The Smiths frontma... more info
04:43 on February 26 2009

Do You Want To Take Morrissey Home With You?

A Walking Disast3rNow you can...or at least a copy of his new album..I will randomly choose a winner all you have to do is leave a comment with your name and e-mail.Morrissey is gearing up... more info


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