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3 stories in this thread

16:59 on April 22 2014

Watch Avril Lavigne Tear Up Tokyo for “Hello Kitty” Video

TimeHide your Sanrio dolls, boys and girls more info
16:05 on April 23 2014

Avril Lavigne's new music video Hello Kitty will make your eyes and ears bleed

The Independent Avril Lavigne has gone for a bold new direction with her latest music video Hello Kitty, and that directions seems to be 'unhinged kawaii bubblegum pop dubstep'. Run and... more info
18:49 on April 23 2014

Is Avril Lavigne's New Music Video A Crime Against Music? [Video]

ContactMusicAvril Lavigne has dropped the music video for her sugary new single, 'Hello Kitty' from new album, Avril Lavigne. The rock and dubstep fusion track... more info


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