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3 stories in this thread

20:14 on June 5 2016

Jack Black Dead? Tenacious D Tweets About Actor's Passing, Fans Freak Out

StarpulseIs Jack Black dead? Fans of the actor were freaking out this weekend after a tweet was sent out from Tenacious D's official Twitter account, announcing that the actor had... more info
11:17 on June 5 2016

Is Jack Black dead? Actor's 'death announced' on Tenacious D's Twitter page

The Mirror The School of Rock star's passing was posted on the group's official Twitter page more info
15:09 on June 5 2016

Jack Black death hoax hacker reveals he's holding Tenacious D to ransom - and has targeted MORE celebs

The MirrorHe claims to be a teenager from Brazil and refuses to give control back until the School Of Rock star contacts him directly more info


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