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4 stories in this thread

17:49 on March 4 2009

Jennifer Lopez fails to return loaned jewellery to owner

NMEJennifer Lopez has reportedly held on to $50,000 worth of diamonds that were on loan to her from a Swiss jeweller. more info
12:33 on March 4 2009

Jennifer Lopez - Lopez Bags Billionaires Bling

ContactMusicJENNIFER LOPEZ's love seemingly does cost a thing - she received thousands of dollars worth of jewellery for hosting a Hollywood fashion launch. The singer borrowed ... more info
10:47 on March 4 2009

Jennifer Lopez Keeps Borrowed Diamonds (Robert Mouawad)

Pop CrunchWhatever J. Lo wants, J. Lo gets. Jennifer Lopez borrowed $50,000 worth of diamonds from Robert Mouawad to attend the launch of Andrea Lieberman’s fashion line, ALC, at... more info
16:45 on March 4 2009

J. Lo Is A Cheap Ho!

Perez HiltonJennifer Lopez has a serious case of sticky fingers! The singer was loaned $50,000 worth of diamonds from Swiss jewler Robert Mouawad in Beverly Hills last week for a fas... more info


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