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4 stories in this thread

05:01 on April 2 2012

[VIDEO] Jack White Releases New Track By Helium Balloon

411 ManiaAn interesting way to debut a song... more info
18:00 on April 2 2012

Jack White's Balloon Single, David Lynch's NSFW Video & More! -- News Roundup

Spinner.comFiled under: News Today, Oh Boy! Nasty Little Man Jack White released his new song "Freedom at 21" by attaching 1,000 vinyl copies of it to helium balloons and setti... more info
19:45 on April 2 2012

11 More Ways For Jack White To Release A Limited-Edition Musical Work

Topix"Three weeks prior to the April 24 release of his debut album Blunderbuss , Third Man Records has premiered the as yet unreleased Jack White album track "Freedom at 21" e... more info
19:51 on April 2 2012

Jack White's single 'Freedom at 21' released via helium balloon

L.A. Times - Pop & HissRocker Jack White is releasing a new single, "Freedom at 21," by helium balloon. Jack White and his Third Man Records staff have attached 1,000 copies of the record to ba... more info


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