If I were a younger lady with a lever-arch file full of school work and back row notes (“Have you *SEEN* Mrs Jones’ VPL today?!?!?!?”), then it would seem that this year, music has conspired to make it very easy for me to scribble my music-related fancyings onto its front for all and sundry to see. Gone are the trials of trying to glue on as many pictures of Johnny Borrell and Ricky Wilson as possible and then stickybackplasticking them all just so; these days, you may just write JAM(I)E(S...
NME.COM - Reviews Blog — If I were a younger lady with a lever-arch file full of school work and back row notes (“Have you *SEEN* Mrs Jones’ VPL today?!?!?!?”), then it would seem that this... more info