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5 stories in this thread

17:00 on June 8 2010

Japandroids Share New Single "Younger Us"

Pitchfork MP3: Japandroids: "Younger Us" Vancouver rip-roarers Japandroids are currently in the midst of releasing a series of 7" singles. Each one features an unreleased so... more info
17:57 on June 8 2010

Japandroids – “Younger Us”

StereogumVancouver duo Japandroids’ oldish McLusky cover resurfaced recently in the name of Saucony. “Younger Us” also comes with its share of nostalgia. Lyrically, it’s a... more info
05:00 on June 8 2010

Japandroids Announce Tour

Pitchfork - Tours06-13 Manchester, TN - Bonaroo Festival06-18 Toronto, Ontario - NXNE Festival06-25 Moscow, Russia - 16 Tons06-26 St. Petersburg, Russia - Tanci06-28 Helsinki, Finland -... more info
20:17 on June 8 2010

[new] Japandroids – Younger Us

We All Want Someone To Shout ForJapandroids are back with the 2nd release in their series of 7″ singles. They previously released “Art Czars” as a single, and now they are back with “Younger Us... more info
21:51 on June 7 2010

Japandroids add tour dates with Frog Eyes

Culture BullyTour dates for Japandroids' fall tour of Western Canada including a date at The Republik in Calgary October 6 with Frog Eyes & PS I Love You. more info


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