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4 stories in this thread

21:00 on July 10 2013

Jay-Z Attempts to Perform Song for Six Hours Straight at New York City Art Gallery

People.comThe rapper was joined by his fans and some famous friends on Wednesday more info
00:40 on July 11 2013

Jay-Z stages six-hour performance in museum for new music video

StarpulseHip-hop superstar Jay-Z took over a New York art gallery on Wednesday (10Jul13) to film a music video for his new song Picasso Baby by rapping the track over and over aga... more info
08:04 on July 11 2013

[VIDEO] Jay-Z Performs "Picasso Baby" at NYC Pace Gallery

411 ManiaJay-Z doing some performance art... more info
22:15 on July 10 2013

Jay-Z is rapping the same song for six straight hours at an NYC art gallery

Consequence of SoundThe performance piece is being filmed for music video. more info


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