Jay-Z Says That ‘Providing’ For Kids Isn’t ‘Love’ — Being There Is More Important
Jay-Z is going to be a father come February whether you're buying those Beyonce surrogacy rumors or not, and the rapper and business mogul took to the pages of GQ to talk about the type of parent he wants to be. Given that Jay-Z endured a troubled relationship with his father until his death a little under 10 years ago, the topic of being a good father is one that he has given a lot of thought.
Jay-Z or Sean Carter says that his own father, Adnis Reeves, became terribly distant after the death ...
Big Apple Music Scene — Jay-Z is going to be a father come February whether you're buying those Beyonce surrogacy rumors or not, and the rapper and business mogul took to the pages of GQ to talk... more info