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5 stories in this thread

03:05 on May 12 2012

Verdict Reached in Jennifer Hudson Family Murder Trial

411 ManiaDid William Balfour get convicted or walk free? more info
04:15 on May 9 2012

Jennifer Hudson's Family Murder Trial Is Almost Over!

Perez HiltonWe can't wait for this traumatic trial to be over for the Hudsons. The court heard the last bit of testimony today from two police officers at the scene of the tragic mur... more info
00:36 on May 10 2012

Jennifer Hudson - Closing Arguments Heard In Jennifer Hudson Family Murder Trial

ContactMusicProsecutors in the Jennifer Hudson family murder trial targeted jurors emotions during their closing arguments on Wednesday 09May12 as they presented photos of the victim... more info
04:00 on May 10 2012

Jennifer Hudson - Jennifer Hudson Family Murder Trial Continues

ContactMusicThe jury deciding the verdict of Jennifer Hudsons familys murder trial will continued deliberating the decision today Prosecutors spent more than two hours Wednesday urgi... more info
04:03 on May 12 2012

Jennifer Hudson - Jennifer Hudson Prays For Convicted Murderer

ContactMusicJennifer Hudson and her sister Julia Hudson have released a statement about the murder sentencing of William Balfour for the murders of her mother brother and nephew They... more info


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