Jennifer Hudson went from tragedy to triumph with her Grammy win for Best R&B Album last Sunday night. Now, the singer is releasing a new video, titled 'If This Isn't Love,' from her award-winning debut album. But first, Hudson takes us behind the scenes of the video shoot, including a peek at the song's performance and the clip's choreography by Fatima. Hudson will embark on a five-week tour on April 2. Watch the footage from the making of the video now, and check back in with PopEater tomorrow...
AOL Music — Jennifer Hudson went from tragedy to triumph with her Grammy win for Best R&B Album last Sunday night. Now, the singer is releasing a new video, titled 'If This Isn't Lov... more info
Popeater — Jennifer Hudson went from tragedy to triumph with her Grammy win for Best R&B Album last Sunday night. Now, the singer is releasing a new video, titled 'If This Isn't Lov... more info