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4 stories in this thread

19:03 on May 11 2012

[VIDEO] Jennifer Lopez Performs "Dance Again" On American Idol

411 ManiaWith Casper Smart dancing... more info
17:02 on May 12 2012

Jennifer Lopez Praises Boyfriend Casper Smart

411 ManiaShe's telling friends she wants to marry him... more info
15:21 on May 11 2012

Jennifer Lopez - Jennifer Lopez Flirts With Casper During American Idol Performance

ContactMusicJennifer Lopez showed the amateurs how its done on last nights American Idol May 10 2012 The 42 year old who appears as a judge on the show took to the stage last night t... more info
19:35 on May 11 2012

Jennifer Lopez Raves About Casper Smart: 'He's So Cute'

People.comFinally, on American Idol, she says something in public about her boyfriend of six months more info


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